Damie did a Husky thing and broke out of her kennel when we were trying to keep her separated when she was in heat and hooked up with Steva and now she has a big litter of 4 each males (male 4 & female 1 is sold) and females to find homes for. This litter can be AKC registered and puppies are available for $500 with limited AKC. Also offering them for $400 without any Registration. Deposit of $100 to hold your pick.
Male 1
Male 2
Female 2
Big Title
Female 3
Female 4
More Available Puppies
We have 1 male and 1 female available from our unplanned litter born to Lil Salsa on 3/11/24. I do not have plans to register this litter although both parents are AKC registered and if someone is interested in having a registered puppy and wants to pay the additional cost, the litter can be registered. Currently priced at $350 each.
Charity has 1 male red spotted piebald puppy still available from her 1/27/24 unplanned litter. Purebred, but because we are not sure who the sire is, this litter will not be registered. $350
We have two blue eyed females still available from Shania & Kasey's 8/9/23 litter $500 each with limited AKC
These 2 males are available for $300 each with limited AKC. Cody on the left is from Sonyador & Steva's 8/2/23 litter and Uso on the right is from Shania's 8/9/23 litter.
Buddy is available from Katrina & Lushion's 8/3/23 litter $300 w/ limited AKC
We have 3 males available from Cinny & Kasey's 7/25/23 litter. $300 each w/ limited AKC.
Chucky is available from Megan & Kasey's 5/4/23 litter for $300 w/ limited AKC.
We also have a couple black & white males available that are free to a good approved home or $100 with limited AKC. They just turned 1 year old 2/19/23. As well we have a couple of older, more laid back females that are available for adoption. Pictures and info to be added soon.